Develop, Release, & Deploy a Web Wallet Address Explorer

Stage 1:

  1. Generate next available address(es) + QR Codes
    • for a given Wallet (by phrase)
    • for a given Account (by index)
    • as either Receive or Change
    • on mainnet or testnet
    • and for one-off legacy (non-HD) addresses
  2. Copy Address or WIF in the normal text format (Base58Check)
  3. Scan Address or WIF as QR to pay or sweep
  4. Inspect address details (i.e. bytes as hex)
  5. Backup Wallets and Metadata as JSON

Stage 2:

  1. Evo Keys
    (for the new, bespoke addressing scheme not yet supported by other tools)
  2. Ability to mark unused addresses as reserved / pending.
  3. Enable URL redirects for App integration


Addresses and WIFs (Private Keys) are necessary for just about any Dash application you can imagine, inculding Evo.

However, the code (and sometimes infrastructure) required for working with them is both tedious, and nuanced - so it can be a huge time suck as a first step.

Loading, exporting, and tracking addresses and keys for testing also presents a bit of friction.

This will serve the following purposes of:

  1. enhance developer focus
    (to skip minutia when prototyping)
  2. copy-pasta for production apps
    (for known-working, easy-to-modify implementation)
  3. exploration
    (to understand how wallets work)
  4. debugging
    (for comparison, to ensure correctness when writing new code)

Having a tool dedicated to the work of managing addresses will allow all of us to focus on the unique value of our projects first, and delay some of the specifics of wallet integration until we have working prototypes.

Also, this can also be reskinned for production use as a standalone application.


This Web App will

  • use our existing Dash Web SDK
  • check address balances (including in bulk)
    • utilizing DashCore RPC calls
    • with correct InstantSend balances (using mempool)
    • and compatible with for the Web

Hosting by MNOs & ENOs

As with the RPC Web Proxy itself, I intend this to also be hosted directly by the MNOs & ENOs that choose to run them.

As mentioned previously, I have another proposal in mind for how to accomplish that, which I’ll retroactively link here once it’s ready.

(essentially the idea is to integrate Dash keys with Web-standard auth tokens to directly pay (or stake collateral) for API usage - a mix of time and number of requests, as is common in the industry)


Web App

This will be delivered as a standards-compliant web app as simple plain text files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).

It will be both

It will work with or without the DashCore RPCs (address availability will be turned off if it’s not available).

Installation Tooling & Guide

Code is essentially worthless - unless someone else can easily figure out how to use and deploy it.

This means all code needs at least these 3 things:

  1. A Working Demo
    (i.e. deployed following the instructions)
  2. API Documentation
    (i.e. how a developer uses it)
  3. Installation & Deployment Instructions
    (i.e. how to test locally, and deploy on the internet)

I make a habit of testing my documentation by following it, and I will do the same here.

Web + Node.js Libraries

Most of the work will use our existing Dash Web SDK, but if any novel library work is done, it will also be made available for both Web and Node.


Name DCD_Web-Wallet-QR-Explorer
Gobject b5708b0ce7042d9c3bab29b1a7e2216bcc3d479ab1622a6c1d2504d5326d8764
Gobject Link["get","b5708b0ce7042d9c3bab29b1a7e2216bcc3d479ab1622a6c1d2504d5326d8764"]&submit